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Friday, 30 March 2012

Yogi Glow - Homemade Facials

Our skin is our biggest organ. We should all want radiant skin. As someone who's suffered from terrible skin incidents all her life (rashes, mild eczema, zits, redness, dryness, etc) I have spent a lot of time and energy researching different ways to achieve and maintain nice skin.

If you're interested in some of the NOT TO DOS here are the top ones that come to mind:

-picking at your skin
-getting sun burnt
-leaving a chemical/acid peel on for too long
-drinking alcohol or using medication

Our skin actually mirrors our liver. So, if you're skin looks nasty, it's safe to assume that your liver may need a cleanse.

The practise of Yoga can help, aesthetically, on several levels. First of all, Yoga reduces stress. Stress causes bad skin and wrinkles. Yoga also helps you to get better sleep. Lack of sleep = general ugliness.

Furthermore, the postures of Yoga help your blood to circulate. On the level of the organs, this is detoxifying and also nourishing. On the level of what you can see on the outside, the general appearance of cellulite diminishes. Plus you build toned muscles.

If you don't believe me, then simply take a look at a group of Yogis after they practise, you will notice a group of glowing people! Just make sure you're not assessing those who've practised in a HOT class....these people often look beet red and 3 degrees short of a minor heart attack. This is another topic all together. And one we won't get into.

Instead, let's explore the concept of taking the practise of yoga and the yoga diet one step further -and consider at-home skin care / spa treatments.

A Yogi diet involves using healthy oils and drinking plenty of chemical-free water. So, your kitchen already contains several key-items that can be used to make exfoliates, masks, and cleansers. 

If you are sceptical about using food on your skin. Simply look at the products used by top spas around the world. You will typically see many food-based treatments and ingredients. Even my girlfriend said to me today how amazed she was by the natural ingredients used at the spa she visited recently in Vietnam. Ingredients like honey, milk, and oatmeal were  making their way off the breakfast table and into her treatment room.


One doesn't even have to travel to top-spas around the world  in order to treat themselves to a world-class skin-care regime.

Look no further than the kitchen!


1. Sea Salt - this general exfoliant and antiseptic can be used as toothpaste or to slough away dead skin from your face / body. Use with water or add to a natural soap / oil.

2. Oil - Can be used as hair serum, skin / facial moisturiser, lip-gloss, or makeup-replacement.
Can be applied to wet or dry skin / hair.

Different oils have different properties. For example, Coconut Oil is considered to be cooling. Which makes it great to use in the summertime. Oils like Walnut Oil are considered to warming. Try this one in the winter-time or if you generally feel cold.

I like to have an array of oils to choose from. Moroccan Argan Oil is absolutely amazing for the hair. And if you're undecided on which oil to start with for your body, I recommend Olive Oil because it's easy to find and neutral smelling.

3. Avocado - good at breakfast and good as a moisturising face mask.

4. Cacao - A mild exfoliant and helps with oil-control.

5. Eggs - Oil control

6. Oatmeal - Mild oil control and exfoliant
7. Coffee - Medium exfoliant, enhances blood circulation, can have a bronzing effect.
8. Wine -  Detoxifying and nourishing. Add some to your bath while enjoying a glass.

9. Pomegranate Juice - natural lip or cheek stain

10. Lemon - Antiseptic and exfoliant

11 Jasmine Oil - An exotic and floral natural perfume

Happy skin-care and at-home spahhhhing everyone :)

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