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Thursday 24 May 2012

Using Breath to Relax & Balance

You don't need to be in the Alps to create a sense of serenity. Any time you are having trouble to sleep or feel off-balance or disturbed. Try Anuloma Viloma (sounds like ANNA LOMA VILOMA).

A type of Pranayama, or Yoga Breathing technique.

Anuloma Viloma is alternatite nostril breathing. When we breathe, we do not breathe through both our nostril (the left and right nasal passage) concurrently.

As a result, lack of balance or agitation can occur. This breathing technique has us alternate between each nostril's air passage.

The cycle goes like this:

From the Left nostril, exhale for a count of 7
From the Left nostril, inhale for a count of 4

Hold Both nostrils closed for a count of 4


From the Right nostril, exhale for a count of 7
From the Right nostril, inhale for a count of 4

Hold Both nostrils closed, for a count of 4


And Repeat

When you are finished cycling though as many times as you like. End, like you began, on the Left side. And KEEP BREATHING :)

Your nose may run. This is normal.

The traditional Yoga teachings, relate Anuloma Viloma to the concept of Nadis, channels of consciousness. All the more reason to practise this breathing technique.

Some behind the scenes pictures from my video shoot in at the base of Chamonoix, near Monte Blanco/Mont Blanc